《我最好朋友的生日 My Best Friend's Birthday》是1987年由昆汀·塔伦蒂诺导演,Craig Hamann / 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 / Crystal Shaw Martell / 艾伦·加菲尔德 / Al Harrell / Brenda Hillhouse / Linda Kaye / Stevo Polyi / Alan Sanborn / Rich Turner等主演的美国剧情电影。 It's Mickey's Birthday and his girlfriend just left him, so that's when his friend Clarence shows him a birthday he'll never forget.
《我最好朋友的生日 My Best Friend's Birthday》是1987年由昆汀·塔伦蒂诺导演,Craig Hamann / 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 / Crystal Shaw Martell / 艾伦·加菲尔德 / Al Harrell / Brenda Hillhouse / Linda Kaye / Stevo Polyi / Alan Sanborn / Rich Turner等主演的美国剧情电影。 It's Mickey's Birthday and his girlfriend just left him, so that's when his friend Clarence shows him a birthday he'll never forget.
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