好感觉 ok啊鸡

小 Q发布于 2024-04-11 03:41:11


姐妹荡妇 Les Petites Salopes

RichardStephen(导演)/Erika Cool Marlene Myller Sigrid Cellier Sophie Bulle Dakati(主演)/法国/1977/剧情

介绍:临终前,之前做了他的普遍受遗赠人,老浪子伯爵教他的侄子用魔笛,通过它,这将是第一个非处女。说完,他勾引他的愿望。一个非常有代表的电影的黄金所有的女人电影院X岁的法国左与阿尔法法国电影在1977年4月27日胜利的成功。Before dying, and before making Before dying, and previous to making him his universal legatee, an old libertine count teaches his pecker to use a magic flute throughout which it will be the 1st "un-virgin." Then this guy entice all sweethearts this chab desires. A very representative film the golden age of cinema X French left with a triumphant success on April 27, 1977 in the Alpha France movie scene.




介绍:视频已修正,可以正常观看~~~催眠控制美女邪恶玩弄刺激挡不住要硬作品《催眠迷奸妇女1981高清精修版》激情佳作 操穴鸡动啊~~~


表妹 La Cousine 1996

乔·达马托(导演)/凯蒂·卡什(Katy Kash),弗朗切斯科·马尔科姆(Francesco Malcom),莫妮卡·奥西尼(Monica Orsini)和尼科莱特(Nicolette)(主演)/意大利/1995/剧情

介绍:意大利著名情se大导乔· 达马托Joe D'Amato作品 一个少年刚刚发现了关于zuo的时候一个漂亮的阿姨决定帮他成长为一个男人 A teenager has just found out about se* when a beautiful aunt decides to turn him into a man


女孩性爱伴侣 A Girl’s Best Friend

不详(导演)/朱丽叶 · 安德森 /罗恩 · 杰里米 / 萨曼莎 · 福克斯 / 维罗妮卡哈特(主演)/美国/1981/奇幻/剧情/爱情

介绍:故事涉及繁忙和热闹的大通秸秆夫人 Leautrec (朱丽叶 · 安德森) 与她潇洒的儿子保罗 (罗恩 · 杰里米) 的三个令人难以置信的美丽钻石宴会厅和卧室的欧洲,通过使用爱与欲望作为工具,他们的贸易。热的第三次和最好的钻石在路上,我们臭名远扬的英雄发现自己在优雅的纽约迪斯科夫人 Leautrec 交汇钻石的所有者,格林菲尔德先生,虽然保罗罢工不寻常的性交易和红色 (萨曼莎 · 福克斯) 的女人。格林菲尔德先生,一位百万富翁,邀请保罗和他的母亲对他的年度舞会和狂欢。当数百名戴着面具派对参加者切勿公开追求他们最喜欢的变态,保罗和他的母亲被 incestuously 阴险的陷阱,导致他们输给了另一个小偷 (维罗妮卡哈特) 的钻石。 The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly beautiful diamonds through the ballrooms and bedrooms of Europe, using love and lust as tools of their trade. Hot on the trail of the third and finest diamond, our notorious heroes find themselves at an elegant New York disco where Mrs. Leautrec meets the diamond’s owner, Mr. Greenfield, while Paul strikes an unusual sexual bargain with the lady in red (Samantha Fox). Mr. Greenfield, a multi-millionaire, invites Paul and his mother to his annual masquerade and orgy. As hundreds of masked party-goers publicly pursue their favorite perversions, Paul and his mother are caught in an incestuously devious trap, causing them to lose the diamond to another thief (Veronica Hart).



Duncan Stewart(导演)/Marc Brock/Tony Marshall/Steve Morgan(主演)/美国/1976/恐怖/喜剧

介绍:电影名:The Bride's Initiation Dracula and the Dirty Old Witch 一对刚结婚的夫妇被德古拉绑架,丈夫被司机带走,阴茎被切除,把这个器官交给一个巫婆。新娘的父母雇了一名侦探来寻找她们。德古拉强奸了被绑架的新娘,然后出去兜风,发现了卡罗尔。他认为她就是他要找的人。他让司机给她一枚戒指,然后用戒指把她带到自己的巢穴,后来他改变了对卡罗尔的看法,来到被绑着的侦探面前,宣告他永恒的爱。



Fred J. Lincoln(导演)/Todd Alexander/Lauren Brice/Brittany(主演)/美国/1990/奇幻/爱情

介绍:电影名:Kinky Couples A kinky couple opens their doors to all adventurous comers.








介绍:电影名:Blame It on Rio 半熟米饭 情窦半开时 截止2017年12月9日共有65人对《半熟米饭》评分,豆瓣评分6.9分。 Best friends and their daughters holiday in Rio only for one to fall for the other's daughter. 不管剧情如何,风情浓厚的度假地,经典艳丽的度假服装,超美的酒店装饰,一切的一切,赏心悦目,八十年代的极致代表! Android 里约美景尽收眼底,对中年人对年轻女性的心理描写的恰到好处。感觉这故事布莱克.爱德华兹拍会更好。斯坦利.多南真是钟爱歌舞片,用了《飞到里约》。


狂暴少妇 Women In Fury

Michele Massimo Tarantini(导演)/Suzane Carvalho, Rossana Ghessa, Gloria Cristal(主演)/意大利 / 巴西/1984/惊悚/动作

介绍:别名:Femmine in fuga 年轻美丽而羞涩的Angela Duvall因谋杀罪名被关入某个拉丁美洲国家的监狱内。在监狱里她受到其他囚犯残忍的"教育"。善良正直而英俊的监狱医生相信她是无辜的并试图救她离开... 你知道这种片子,就是千方百计地裸露给你看,至于剧情和表演,你就不要奢求太多了。


校园性教 The Little Schoolgirls

Claude Mulot(导演)/Brigitte Lahaie/Catherine Greiner/Élodie Delage/Céline Galone(主演)/法国/1980/喜剧

介绍:别名:Les petites écolières 不错,值得下载。女主男主都不错! This film has all the right stuff happening: Brigitte Lahaie, 4 other absolutely gorgeous young women, great cinematography, Brigitte Lahaie, well-paced sex scenes, a bit of humor, and Brigitte Lahaie!... who plays the Madame of a brothel who is busted by a sincere cop. He makes some sly remark about getting out of the brothel business and setting up a school, so guess what? She sets up a school to teach young women the fine art of pleasing their man! A bunch of predictable scenes follow, but they're done very well and the women look great! Definitely worth a look, if not owning!
