- 导演:
- David Lau
- 主演:
- 林雅诗/吳文忻
- 电影剧情:
- 阿彦与其妻子Moon往澳门度假时遭绑匪袭击,更把Moon掳走。原来幕后主谋是阿彦,他与阿Moon结婚两年,由于Moon是一名天主教徒,而对性怀有洁癖,所以二人性生活一直不调和。阿彦为了挽救这段婚姻,重金礼聘一名贵族K来把Moon调教成性爱尤物,但要禁固在他的私人城堡中三个月来受训。三个月后,阿Moon虽已对性爱的态度改观,彦却始终无法挽救这段婚姻。 香港轟動一時的AV色魔! 即時在螢幕再度重演! 一孤僻片場小工與一心理醫生成為好友,但一次他誤以為遭她嘲諷,竟將她強姦,還把過程拍攝下來,此後他走上變態殺手不歸路,身心受創的醫生要將色魔繩之以法…… A loner gains acquaintance with a beautiful psychopathist in afilm studio and he treats her as his sole friend. But he feelshearbroken at a time when he misinterprets that she says something tohumiliating him. He not only rapes her but also films the process.After this experience, he becomes a serial rapist and killer. Thevictimized psychopathist would not let him escape the punishment thathe deserves...